Hi! We are Family Rhino. That’s a Rhino, me (Sophie) and our children, Koko and Kitty.
We have been travelling as a family, whenever possible, for the last decade. We’ve had some epic disasters, and we’ve had some great times too. We have also learned a lot about the world and about travel. No matter how many trips we take, we just can’t shake that wanderlusting within us, and with lockdown limiting our opportunities for travel, my itchy feet were driving me crazy. Then one day, out of nowhere, I had this idea to start a blog. Here you can read our own stories of travel, and our blog posts about travel, and travel with kids.

Family Rhino

Why ‘Family Rhino’?
Rhino, Rhines, Ront, Rhinoceronte, Rhino (with your best French accent) … this has been my husband’s nickname for over 30 years. EVERYONE calls him Rhino. Everyone except me. Despite his surfing prowess, it’s nothing to do with the way he charges into waves or his thick skin. On his first day of secondary school, someone commented “Look at your big shoes. You have feet like a Rhino.” And it stuck. To the point where many people don’t even know his real name. As a result, rhinos have always had a special place in our hearts. Rhinos are loyal, courageous, brave and territorial… well, that’s certainly true when it comes to surfing his local spot! Four time Welsh Surfing Champion and former member of the British Surf Team, Rhino has been travelling for surf adventure since the 80’s. He has many a story to tell and we’re looking forward to capturing them here.
We have a shared love for food, the ocean, travel and adventure (let’s just throw World Peace in there too) but we have distinctly different tastes in music (see Spotify Playlist). We haven’t been everywhere, or done everything, or claim to know everything there is to know about travel. But we have learned a lot over the last decade, we still have a crazy passion to keep travelling as a family, to find more adventure, and we do have some great stories to tell. We hope you enjoy reading them here.