Foreward: These are the days.
These are the days. My husband, most commonly known as Rhino, has been telling me this since I met him. I am the cautious one and he is more adventurous – after all, rhinos like to charge. And it’s that charge that drives me to do the more crazy things in life. To be more brave.
The last year has afforded me time. Time to reflect, way too much time to think and, in the absence of anything to look forward to, time to look back at the adventures we’ve had and now time to document them. I’m also just shy of 40 and so perhaps there’s an early mid-life crisis somewhere in this too?!
So why write our stories? We wanted to document our memories of travel for our children, for their future children and for ourselves. Maybe when we’re older, we’ll read back and be able to feel we’re back on the road (or in the sky!) And when the sands of time run out on us, our feelings and experiences will still be here. We hope it will help our children hold their memories of childhood travel forever. And to understand why the adventures were so important to us.
This last year has been hard. There have been a number of blogs, vlogs, videos which have helped me stay positive and given me focus. People who have used their creativity to put good out into the world. So this is us and this is our story. We hope to put some good out there too.
Travel is life changing. The simplest, unplanned encounter with a fellow traveller or local resident can leave a mark on you for life.
We believe that open eyes encourage open minds. Eyes that have seen cultures far different from their own, mean hearts and minds that will always celebrate difference, be a voice for tolerance and forever see the world with kindness.
And that’s why travelling with children is magical. Little eyes, hearts and minds are shaped by the experiences they have, the people they meet and places they discover. Long after the memory of the trip has faded, the impact on their soul remains. Their minds are open. This is equally true for not so little ones.

Rhino: The kindness of strangers.
Koko: Canang Sari, Balinese Hindu Offerings.
The saying goes ‘travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer’. As expensive as it can be, we have found ways to budget for even the most adventurous of trips. For us, spending on travel is, I suppose, an investment. In our children and in ourselves. So, we took the decision five years ago to spend less on things and more on experiences.
Since 2010 we have been travelling as a family whilst also working full time and schooling. We have had the fortune of good health, which has given us a free ticket to travel. With each trip comes new shared experiences, and opportunities to learn.
We were both fortunate to have travelled as children and young adults and and that’s probably where our love for travel started. We really hope we have planted the seed of wanderlust in our children and that they will enjoy many more travel experiences in their lifetime.
Family travel has brought us closer and made us a stronger team, as well as giving us a shared family vision. Each day brings something new and each challenge is faced together. Even the bumps in the road add to the experience. In fact, it is the bumps in the road that make it all an experience in the first place.
There will always be an excuse not to do that crazy (but brilliant) idea in your head. But, kids, you only live once. And tomorrow is not guaranteed. Be brave, find your inner rhino and charge into the unknown. THESE are the days, so make them count!
Sophie (and Family Rhino)